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Blackboard Ultra: Quick Reference Guide

General resource for learning and navigating Blackboard Ultra

About Blackboard Ultra Menu Navigation

The Blackboard menu is how you access the different features and content in Blackboard. On this page:

  • Learn where to find different Blackboard features via the Ultra menu
  • View videos on key Blackboard Ultra features: 
    • Your Profile
    • Activity Stream
    • Calendar
    • Messages

Blackboard Menu Overview

From the Blackboard menu you can check your grades, upcoming assignments, course activity and access the 24/7 tutoring service Brainfuse. Review the organization and features of the Blackboard Ultra menu:

blackboard ultra menu items 1-9, starts at 1 at the top of the menu. 1) BTC Home, 2) Your Profile, 3) Activity Stream, 4) Course, 5) Organizations, 6) Calendar, 7) Messages, 8) Grades, 9) Tools, numbered description of menu options are below

  1. BTC Home: Links to resources and support
  2. Your Profile: Edit your profile picture, add your pronouns and control your privacy settings and notification preferences
  3. Activity Stream: See what's new and coming up from all your courses and organizations
  4. Courses: Find all of your courses
  5. Organizations: There are various Organizations you may be enrolled in, such as special interest, activities or there may be one for your program, these can be great sources of information
  6. Calendar: View due dates and events for all of your courses and organizations
  7. Messages: Messages from instructors and/or fellow students will be appear here, this is separate from BTC Webmail
  8. Grades: from all of your courses
  9. Tools: Find links to tools like Brainfuse 24/7 tutoring, Yuja video 

Blackboard Ultra Menu Option Tutorials